
Holy Spirit

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Why Jesus is NOT Yahweh

god-jesusIn “Santa God, part 1,” I agreed with atheists that God in the form of Santa God did not exist — this sort of invisible sky-daddy, cosmic space bubble god which floats around voyeuristically watching us and keeping score of our goods and bads with his finger on the “destroy“ button constantly ready to zap us. I also alluded to the difficulty of conceptualizing an entity which exists outside of time, given our inability to comprehend such an existence, particularly how such an entity would relate to and interact with “reality” in spacetime.

Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist — making it necessary to seek more tangible ways for our basic understanding in a time-based, matter-infused, digital reality. In this respect, it is not so much whether or not God or spiritual beings exist, but rather finding an adequate way to conceptualize it.

According to Genesis, in the beginning “Elohim” created the heavens and the earth. “In the beginning,” referring to the beginning of the spacetime universe, since Eternity has no beginning and has always existed. The continuity of force admits of neither creation nor annihilation, but demands an unseen universe, out of which the visible has been produced “by an intelligent agency residing in the unseen,” and into which it must eventually return (The Unseen Universe, pp. 167, 170).

Elohim here is plural, though is translated in English as “God,” which denotes an entity with a multiplicity of God-and-JesusDivine powers, the threefold personality of the Godhead. Separate but equal entities, co-existing as the fulcrum of all existence.

According to Scripture, Jesus was with the Father (YHWH), with equal Divine authority, yet with different functionality and roles, joined together through their Holy Spirit as “God.” The Godhead is the governing head of all existence. (Just as the governing head of the U.S. of Eh?, where we have the Legislative Congress, the Judiciary Supreme Court, and the Executive President, separate but equal, with different roles and powers.)

By this understanding, Jesus is not YHWH. He is “God,” as “Elohim.” But he is not YHWH, not the “Father,” not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God. YHWH is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But they are not each other.

The Cosmic Force

The inspired mind is locked into the Stream. Just put your fingers on the keyboard and type without knowledge of what is coming; hands and fingers moving faster than ever and still not keeping up with flow. Understandings beyond anything pondered or imagined. Just write and write and write and don’t stop until you collapse from exhaustion. Write without notes or idea outlines. Just write and write while your eyes are looking else where. This is not normal. This is savant territory. Such is the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

We are not machines. Machine men. Living a life of fleeting highs and crushing lows and darkness without end. We are more than a paycheck. Our time here is but the briefest of moments. We must make each moment count, treating others with respect, as your brother or sister or mother or father. Love them through God’s Spirit, for He is love. Show no prejudice. Hold back no kind words. Help and assist and offer helpful advice without expectation of return. Live selflessly. Every moment of every day, without exception. The Spirit is eternal and never sleeps.

The Spirit is not a thing. He is an entity which encompasses the entire fabric and force of all things throughout time and space. Filled with this Spirit, we are connected to every single atom, quark, quanta. Every thought, every image, natural force, cosmic body, every moment of the universe, flows within the Spirit’s vibration. He occupies the entire time-space continuum. Every galaxy, super nova, shooting star. Every breeze, cloud, hurricane, tidal wave, volcano. This is what it says in Scripture. The Eastern mystics all examine and investigate and write down their assessment of The Holy Spirit through concepts of Qi, Karma, the Cosmic Stream, Cosmic Strings, Infinite Wisdom, The Force. One can easily bridge the gap and pull these together and see how they intertwine.

Santa God, part 1

I just realized something. An epiphany of sorts.

For many Christians, being a Christian means living the “good life” and receiving comfort, rewards and prosperity, which will then magically lead others to God because they will want in on the action.

I’ve spent a significant amount of time browsing and finding atheists to converse with, and getting a feel for why they don’t believe. I always used to assume it was out of ignorance or an irrational hatred or something perhaps psychological, which would cause their disbelief. Although that’s true in some cases, that is not normally what I found.

The ones I’ve spent the most time with are all very intelligent, rational, good-natured, considerate, genuinely good human beings, with whom I shared a lot of commonality. They thought the same way as me, were curious and skeptical in nature, and always desired the get to the bottom of everything they had interest in. But they were yet to find a god they could accept and believe in.

So I broke it down even farther. I got them to describe God as they understood him from what they knew of Scripture and what they’d heard from all the many Christians they’d argued against. What resulted is this: God is a sort of cosmic Santa, who floats around the cosmos in some sort of cosmic space bubble, checking up on people and making a list of who’s naughty and nice. And if you’re good, say your prayers, and tell others about Jesus, then Santa God rewards you with a blessing of happiness and prosperity. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized they were absolutely right. No wonder they don’t believe, because that is how we tend to view God. And that is a ridiculous absurdity. So I thanked them for helping me learn, and told them I really needed to rethink this and figure out what we’re missing.

I wanted to find out who God really is, without any prejudice or predisposition. So I studied the five Vedic texts of sacred eastern metaphysics. I studied the Bhagavad Gita. Studied Theoretical and Quantum Physics. Cellular biology. Astronomy. Cosmology. Stories of the gods, myths and legends and everything in between. I thumbed through ancient writings of Plato, and St. Augustine. And then I went line by line through the Word of God. And everything fell together.

“God” is a meaningless abstraction invented by our pop culture. He doesn’t exist. The atheists are right. Where they are wrong, however, is where they say there is not ANY god.

The supernatural Creator of all things DOES exist. The God of the universe, the beginner of time and the spreader of space, also exists. The Redeemer, the salvation of all mankind and defender of our soul, He exists. The Cosmic Stream of Light, the Thread and String, binder of all things, igniter of stars and the mover and shaker of the spirit, He exists.

We get so tied up and stuck in rabbit holes debating “the Trinity” and trying to grasp a Plurality which exists as one yet acts as three. Well, the answer is profound in its simplicity. Think of it in terms of Head, Body, and the Door. God the Father (the head) is the ruler of the universe, God of all things, beginner of beginnings and ender of ends. He directs the flow and the light, as a brain directs and coordinates our systems and functions. The Holy Spirit (the body) is the Living Force, Cosmic Stream, Thread and String which binds and connects all living things and maintains the balance and order of the cosmos, generator of stars and light, and the source of Divine knowledge and inspiration. Anytime you look at images from Hubble, notice the infusion of light and vibrant radiant colors! That is a reflection and projection of the essence of the Spirit. Folks, that is some POWERFUL stuff.

If you’d like to get a gauge for an understanding of this power, look up the term ZERO POINT ENERGY. I used to just think that was a science fiction term, made up by the writers for Stargate: Atlantis, where they used these Zero Point Modules (ZPM) to power the instantaneous crossing between worlds. Turns out there’s a lot of truth to it all. We are just beginning to realize the freaky level of energy and power in every inch of the universe. There are no empty voids. The cosmos crackles and sparkles and hums with the power of over 400 trillion suns, in every square meter in every corner. FREAKY.

Powerful stuff. And I will take it from here next time I cover this topic.


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