
Why Jesus is NOT Yahweh

god-jesusIn “Santa God, part 1,” I agreed with atheists that God in the form of Santa God did not exist — this sort of invisible sky-daddy, cosmic space bubble god which floats around voyeuristically watching us and keeping score of our goods and bads with his finger on the “destroy“ button constantly ready to zap us. I also alluded to the difficulty of conceptualizing an entity which exists outside of time, given our inability to comprehend such an existence, particularly how such an entity would relate to and interact with “reality” in spacetime.

Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist — making it necessary to seek more tangible ways for our basic understanding in a time-based, matter-infused, digital reality. In this respect, it is not so much whether or not God or spiritual beings exist, but rather finding an adequate way to conceptualize it.

According to Genesis, in the beginning “Elohim” created the heavens and the earth. “In the beginning,” referring to the beginning of the spacetime universe, since Eternity has no beginning and has always existed. The continuity of force admits of neither creation nor annihilation, but demands an unseen universe, out of which the visible has been produced “by an intelligent agency residing in the unseen,” and into which it must eventually return (The Unseen Universe, pp. 167, 170).

Elohim here is plural, though is translated in English as “God,” which denotes an entity with a multiplicity of God-and-JesusDivine powers, the threefold personality of the Godhead. Separate but equal entities, co-existing as the fulcrum of all existence.

According to Scripture, Jesus was with the Father (YHWH), with equal Divine authority, yet with different functionality and roles, joined together through their Holy Spirit as “God.” The Godhead is the governing head of all existence. (Just as the governing head of the U.S. of Eh?, where we have the Legislative Congress, the Judiciary Supreme Court, and the Executive President, separate but equal, with different roles and powers.)

By this understanding, Jesus is not YHWH. He is “God,” as “Elohim.” But he is not YHWH, not the “Father,” not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God. YHWH is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But they are not each other.

About Quackzalcoatl

Phoneticist, Palindrologist, and freelance Sharknadologist. Inventor. Ruler of 2-acre lakes and small streams.


41 thoughts on “Why Jesus is NOT Yahweh

  1. I did say no maverick Trinity thesis did I not?

    If you can sell this bullshit to the Pope, I’ll buy it…

    Posted by Arkenaten | 4 November, 2013, 3:39 pm
  2. Oh, and you rip off my US of Eh? too?
    I suppose copying is the sincerest form of flattery…sigh…

    What a truly useless Crispyan you are. Perfect for the William Lane Craig school of apologetic bullshitters.
    Have a gold star and sit at the front of the class.

    Posted by Arkenaten | 4 November, 2013, 3:44 pm
  3. Apologies, I’m a bit slow tonight. This is a joke, right? A parody of nonsense, correct?

    Posted by john zande | 4 November, 2013, 5:42 pm
  4. Quote 1:
    “Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist ”

    This is a gross lack of understanding what the definition of eternity is and what time is in reference to. To put bluntly, time is an inherent part of existence, and if you don’t have an existential frame of reference, you don’t exist. There is no such thing as existing outside of time for the same reason there is no such thing as existing outside of existence. ..

    Quote 2:

    This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist


    This is just an appeal to ignorance to which is entirely meaningless. Especially when you can’t describe a “world” without using physical descriptors. And immaterial worlds can’t exist for the same reason nothing can not be a person, place, or thing (exist). Hence things of nothing don’t exist. Now feel free to describe for us how you interact, view, feel, and perceive this supposed spiritual world. If it’s anything like the picture in your article here, you are already using dimensional values, color, light, spacial capacity, volume, physical interaction ect ect..

    Next, You can read the Paradox of Now here:


    And btw, no time would mean in literal terms that there is no processing or inertia of information. And that my friend means there can not be any conscious state, cognitive function, or functionality. Consciousness is temporally bound, and this alone collapses your argument without even having to get into the Paradox of now.

    Quote 3:

    According to Genesis, in the beginning “Elohim” created the heavens and the earth. “


    This is according to the Canaanite God “EL”. And Genesis wasn’t monotheistic, it was actually diverged from polytheistic creation myths. And the order of creation is wrong and can only at best match the day and night cycle to which starts just before dawn.. Essentially they believe Earth was created in the same manner in which they perceived the day and night cycle… Especially when they didn’t have electricity and light pollution as the Earth before dawn would appear formless. But what we do know is that the Earth didn’t come before the sun or the stars (the cosmos).. Nice try though.

    Quote 4
    Elohim here is plural, though is translated in English as “God,” which denotes an entity with a multiplicity of God-and-JesusDivine powers,


    Wrong, it’s actually in reference to the Babylonian creation myth and the Canaanite Pantheon.. Yahweh was considered one of the sons of EL to whom later gets equated with EL and EL Elyon. The divine council was Canaanite in origin. Worse yet, Yahweh is essentially the result of Mountain GOD worship and moon God worship not long after the Therah Eruption to which Exodus is based on. Though it wasn’t till after 650 BC that monotheism to Yahweh becomes established and takes a real foothold. You can read more about Yahweh in my own articles.


    Posted by thejackelscolumn | 5 November, 2013, 12:51 am
    • Thank you for educating me. Now I just feel silly for making such a ridiculous post. I will do better next time! Sorry mate!

      Posted by Quackzalcoatl | 5 November, 2013, 12:57 am
      • You shouldn’t feel silly about learning. I would just say that the post was missing a few key points in which invalidates it. This doesn’t mean there isn’t some being or species out there in the vastness of Existence capable of inducing Big Bangs. Surely as bubbles, it’s likely possible by both natural processes and intelligent influences. It is after all just a matter of physics, and that our own scientists even suggest that we may some day be capable of doing so ourselves through manipulation or mini black holes and a repulsive force. Some even suggest our Universe is within a black hole, and the exist is through black holes in our own universe.

        But if you are looking for a simple answer to origins, read my article “Existence: Book Of Origins”. 😉

        Posted by thejackelscolumn | 5 November, 2013, 1:18 am
        • *and the exist is through black holes in our own universe.

          Should read ” and the exit”

          Sorry, I’m typing on my phone, and thus my replies are error infested :/

          Posted by thejackelscolumn | 5 November, 2013, 1:24 am
          • No worries!

            I didn’t go into much detail and skirted over everything just to outline an idea. I need to follow up with detail and a much longer thought train. Semantics easily derail things, so I know I’ve got to dig into more. It’s not that I don’t agree with you, I just need to be more precise with what I’m rolling with. Trying to do too many things at once!

            Posted by Quackzalcoatl | 5 November, 2013, 1:31 am
  5. Shucks….who to trust, wo to believe?
    John Zande & Jackle or the words of a morally corrupt group of chriatian ‘Patriarchs’ who have been helping to poison the well for nigh 2000 years?

    Ummmm……eeny meeny… right!

    And there we have it kiddies…Jesus was Yahweh.
    Pssst…in reality it is all made up of course, but these damn Christians won’t learn.
    Now…be told…

    Posted by Arkenaten | 5 November, 2013, 4:41 am
  6. Curious, where did you get this information:

    Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist

    When we all know that Eternity intersects with a Falling Star and a Moonwalk, not far from Ronald A. McNair Elementary School in Maryland.

    Posted by Sabio Lantz | 5 November, 2013, 9:04 pm
  7. Paarsurrey says:
    Jesus is neither a god nor a son of god; he was a human being and messenger/prophet of God Allah Yahweh.

    Posted by paarsurrey | 30 November, 2013, 12:31 am

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