

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Why Jesus is NOT Yahweh

god-jesusIn “Santa God, part 1,” I agreed with atheists that God in the form of Santa God did not exist — this sort of invisible sky-daddy, cosmic space bubble god which floats around voyeuristically watching us and keeping score of our goods and bads with his finger on the “destroy“ button constantly ready to zap us. I also alluded to the difficulty of conceptualizing an entity which exists outside of time, given our inability to comprehend such an existence, particularly how such an entity would relate to and interact with “reality” in spacetime.

Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist — making it necessary to seek more tangible ways for our basic understanding in a time-based, matter-infused, digital reality. In this respect, it is not so much whether or not God or spiritual beings exist, but rather finding an adequate way to conceptualize it.

According to Genesis, in the beginning “Elohim” created the heavens and the earth. “In the beginning,” referring to the beginning of the spacetime universe, since Eternity has no beginning and has always existed. The continuity of force admits of neither creation nor annihilation, but demands an unseen universe, out of which the visible has been produced “by an intelligent agency residing in the unseen,” and into which it must eventually return (The Unseen Universe, pp. 167, 170).

Elohim here is plural, though is translated in English as “God,” which denotes an entity with a multiplicity of God-and-JesusDivine powers, the threefold personality of the Godhead. Separate but equal entities, co-existing as the fulcrum of all existence.

According to Scripture, Jesus was with the Father (YHWH), with equal Divine authority, yet with different functionality and roles, joined together through their Holy Spirit as “God.” The Godhead is the governing head of all existence. (Just as the governing head of the U.S. of Eh?, where we have the Legislative Congress, the Judiciary Supreme Court, and the Executive President, separate but equal, with different roles and powers.)

By this understanding, Jesus is not YHWH. He is “God,” as “Elohim.” But he is not YHWH, not the “Father,” not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God. YHWH is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But they are not each other.

Elohim and the Vibration of Light

And the earth, she-became chaos and vacancy, and darkness-became over surfaces-of abyss; and spirit-of Elohim, vibrating over surfaces-of the waters; and he-is-saying, Elohim, he-shall-become light, and he-is-becoming light; and he-is-seeing, Elohim, the light that is good; and he-is-separating, Elohim, between the light and between the darkness…

Genesis 1 in its rawest form, transliterates into English like a song. God, as Elohim, whose spirit vibrates and charges up the atmosphere, speaks of light, and light becomes.

The early Earth, without the sun, without the moon, alone in space, a bright primordial ball. The center of all creation.

At what speed, I wonder, did light, which God became, move across the Earth? God, beyond measure, became light beyond measure.

Conventional science will tell a different tale. But where were they when light began? The quantum universe has breath and thought outside of time. Where time has no meaning, our reason does not apply.

The universe is finite and breathed into existence. At what moment did the it become? If light was infinite, could 8 billion years go by at once?

The vibrance of God surrounds us.


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