
Friday Fictioneers

This tag is associated with 4 posts

First Flight

seagulls-wicklund“I can’t. I’m afraid.”

You’re a gull. You must.”

“But my wings are weak, and the wind is strong.”

I will be right behind you. I will catch you if you fall.”

The young gull spread his wings and felt the earth fall beneath his feet. The breeze brushed along his feathers and led him down a leisurely spiral towards the sea, his heart racing and voice screeching as he eased onto the sand.

The mother gull swooped past and unleashed a proud squawk.

The youngling somersaulted in the wind, snagged a crab, and disappeared into the sluggish dawn.


100_7320-1The choice was simple. I could choose to remain imprisoned, or walk through one of three doors. Each door led to a certain fate, two of which were slightly better, one which was preponderantly worse.

I thought for the longest time. I was comfortable and provided for, though walled-in and without liberty. The chance for some degree of freedom appealed to me, but the risk seemed too severe. And then it occurred to me.

Perhaps the walls were merely a fabrication of my mind.

So I imagined the doors without the walls, and stepped out across the meadow.


the_second_hand_shop-1He found her at the second-hand store. They wed soon thereafter, honeymooned in Vegas, and settled for a brief life together.

Hand-in-hand they walked among the trees and along a quiet green meadow, resting beneath a weeping willow by the stream. She laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you for buying me. Sorry we won‘t have more time together.”

He kissed her forehead, held her close, and whispered, “I’ve loved a lifetime from the moment I found you.”

The evening sun settled into dusk. The two forms blurred into one and disappeared into the night.


100-Word Novel

Peanuts. In a bowl. Ate. Allergy. Sick. Hospital.

Girlfriend. Visits hospital. “Sorry. Leaving you.”

Heartbroken. Sick. Want to die.

Nurse helps. Beautiful kind compassionate. Fall in love.

Girlfriend returns. Visits in hospital. Wants him back. Kisses him. Nurse walks in. Runs away.

Still sick, don’t care, chases nurse. Loves nurse. Leaves girlfriend in hospital.

Finds address. Rushes to nurse’s home. Nurse not home. Neighbors say gone to Rome.

Rushes to airport. Runs from cab. Huffing, puffing, out of breath.

Runs through security. Shots are fired. Shot in back.

Finds nurse at terminal. Kisses nurse. Loves nurse. Bleeding, dying, in her arms.


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