

This tag is associated with 20 posts

Answers and Witticisms, Part 1

Finally, after much sCreation_of_Adam_by_gatorvenomuspense, here are the long-awaited answers to the Questions post. Keep in mind that these are definitive, as I am a knower of all things, and that I have done my best, as always, to dumb it down as much as possible (for all you atheists out there).

Why? Why did He do it? What was the purpose in creating what the Bible describes as existence? Was God simply lonely, bored, looking for “motivation” to solve His own existential crisis?

Everything in existence, as we understand it, is a product of creation, with one lone exception — that eternal being we refer to as God, the one with the capital G, who before creation was everything when there was nothing else but God. Time and space, matter and antimatter — all of existence — emanated from His timeless, massless radiance and immeasurable power. Time and space exploded into being, and during an undetermined amount of time, the universe was formed into what we now see.

At some point early in the creative process, God created a hierarchy of hyperdimensional beings we know as angels and a plethora of others referred to as the “Heavenly Hosts,” whose purpose is to maintain and facilitate creation under the direction of the Creator (God’s “yes men”). This set the stage for His ultimate purpose.

The purpose of creation, quite simply, is to provide God with companionship. God, who from the eternal “now” is uniquely alone as the only uncreated, cannot create another exactly like Himself. Previously, I detailed how God may exist as three “separate” entities from the perspective of relativity — inside and outside of time and space, and as the incarnate deity — but these are all forms of the same solitary being. To create something which could fully relate to Him as an equal would require an extraordinary plan.

The plan began by determining the desired outcome — beings who willingly submit their lives to Him in an act of unconditional faith. The ramifications were configured to maximize return — a great multitude to share in an endless adventure beyond imagination. Note — “Heaven” will not be an eternal church service where we do nothing but “worship” and sing hymns to God forever and ever. What we will experience in the hereafter with God will be a sort of continuation of what we already know, except we will be immortal, without malice, amid perfection in a utopian paradise; chief among creation, higher than the angels, on equal footing with the Creator.

Such an outcome does not come cheaply, though the plan provides for maximum return. The first several hundred years ended in almost total ruin, as the initial Earth perished along with all but a handful of all living things. This was known before the plan ever came to fruition, yet the price was acceptable with regard to the ultimate outcome.


I realize many will read this and get all pissy about God laying waste to the world and wiping out millions of destructive heathens. It is not as though this happened suddenly without any warning. This was a series of natural catastrophes which culminated in global destruction. Only one man on the entire planet paid attention to the warning signs and prepared accordingly. The rest just buried their heads in the sand and kept screwing around and blowing each other up. They deserved their fate, and no one should feel sorry for them. Furthermore, just as in the cases of “genocide” later on, none of these people suffered a fate different from anyone else — they died. Everyone in this world dies at some point, and it ain’t always pretty. We live in an excrementally imperfect world. Get over it.


Why? Why did He do it? What was the purpose in creating what the Bible describes as existence? Was God simply lonely, bored, looking for “motivation” to solve His own existential crisis?

We call Him “Creator, God the Father” — because He creates, simply by existing? A timeless, massless radiant light of immeasurable power?

By His “word,” He brought all things into existence — is “His word” the same as His “will”? By what process does He create? Is time required, and if so, how much time? Did He begin creation with an explosion of matter and energy? Did He first wind up the natural order, then create the “egg,” and then let His creation manage itself?

What is “Heaven”? Is “Heaven” part of the natural order, or is it a separate creation? Or is “Heaven” even a creation at all?

Why would a perfect being create an imperfect world? And why would an all-powerful creator choose to make Himself known through the writings of an ancient tribe which existed in such a tiny insignificant speck of history?

Is “God the Father” the same being as “God the Son”? If not, then why does the Bible tell us there is only one God? And then what about “God the Spirit?” If God is all-powerful, why does He need two extra “Gods”? And for that matter, why does He need angels?

Why would an all-powerful all-knowing being create imperfection, and then create rules which require His own humiliation and death, as a sacrifice, in order to prevent His entire creation of humanity from being permanently destroyed — or worse yet, eternally tormented? Why create sentient life, allow for choice, and then punish the “wrong” choices? Is this not tyrannical, egotistical, petty?

Next post: Answers?

Religious Proliferation — From the Top Down

ararat-twin-peaksAt the apex of our history, everyone believed in the one true Creator and knew the truths of our origin. In time, groups began to fall away and regard the one true Creator as an impersonal force, and consider all of creation as part of the original God (pantheism).

Eventually, some rulers became known as “immortals” and their parents, “gods,” blessed by the one true God, chosen to rule, and the temples they built were embassies of respect to the ruler and to God. People were told that God put Himself into the “gods,” and the new gods were an incarnation of the original God. Over time, God was forgotten and replaced by these man-made gods.

Hinduism considers God to be impersonal but still existing in gods which represent aspects of God. Wicca sees the original Creator as being emptied into creation and ceasing to exist, making humans now the highest form of life. The sons of Cham (Ham) originally taught that God emptied Himself into a few chosen people, gods, to be worshipped. At some level, all of these religions referenced the original Creator God.

As pantheism spread into Canaan, the Canaanites added ancestor worship. Zidon, Canaan’s firstborn son, became the chief deity in the city-state of Zidon. In this land he was the “Baal,” meaning “Lord” in Hebrew. Zidon’s wife was the first “Asharah” or “the princess” in Hebrew (Ha-Sharah). This form of paganism spread across the land of Canaan, in which each tribe adapted the names of their kings for the same pagan deities. (Just to be clear, “Yahweh” was not among these kings.)

And so it was that humanity spread from the Middle East over the face of the earth after the great cataclysm which flooded the earth. The descendants of Cham migrated to the east and to the south, and populated Africa, and India, and China, and the islands in the far east that were in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. And the descendants of Japeth migrated to the west and to the north, and populated Europe, and the isles to the north, and their descendants the Scythians populated what became known as the land of Russ, and Siberia, and the lands of the north.

And as men traveled they hunted game and gathered the fruit of the land, and as they settled they learned to farm, and began to grow crops, and raised cattle and sheep, and bartered and traded, and these small communities grew into cities, and set down rules of government, and established laws to protect the weak from the strong, and to protect the rights of individuals from the state, and to protect the community from those who would attempt to rise up and usurp the social order for their own selfish ends, so that men might co-exist together in peace, and in harmony, and so that all might have their rights protected and also so that the poor, the aged, the widow, the orphan, the weak and helpless and the stranger might have their needs fulfilled in a just and equitable manner.

Sistine-Chapel-Ceiling-Noah-After-the-FloodAnd even though men forgot the original revelation given to their father Noah, they still retained much of the wisdom from the past, and from the civilization before the Flood, and the “light that lights every man who comes into the world” still gave men understanding of many of the mysteries of creation, and the image of God, even though corrupted by sin, was still imprinted on the human soul. And men still retained the knowledge of natural law that God had implemented into the creation, and in the east, in the land of Jung Gwo, the Central Country, they called this natural law, and the Way of this law, the Dao, or The Way of Heaven. And men learned how to live according to this natural law, and some who ordered their lives according to it lived to great ages, and they accumulated much knowledge. And there were wise men who kept the wisdom that was handed down to them through the generations from the time of Noah. And the Yellow Emperor was learned in much of this wisdom, and he became the father of Chinese medicine, and taught them of herbs, and of healing, and of the way to balance the forces within the human body so that men might enjoy good health, and live long and fruitful lives.

And in the land of India their sages delved into the mysteries of creation, and sought wisdom, and they recorded this wisdom in their ancient Vedas and Upanishads, and they learned much of God’s moral law for human conduct, and their sages called this law Dharma, and they taught this law to their children, and it was a good law in the beginning, and a noble law, but being removed over the years from the Revelation of their father Noah, they lost site of the original purpose of this law, which was to honor God, and to bring man into fellowship with God, and to help their fellow-man, and they became enamored of temple rites, and ceremonies that God had not instituted, and they began to worship false gods, gods who had not made the heavens and the earth, and they bowed down to idols made of wood, and metal and stone, the work of men’s hands, and as they lost the knowledge of the true God whom Noah, their father had worshiped, the caste system that their ancestors originally established for the division of labor for men to cooperate together, became an ancestral yoke preventing certain classes from enjoying equal rights in society, and from prospering, and the law which was originally meant for man’s weal became a vehicle for the enrichment of a few at the expense of the many.

And so as men wandered over the face of the earth, gradually their understanding of God, and of His righteous judgments and statutes was forgotten, and men ascribed to nature the wondrous works of the Creator, and they ceased to be thankful, and began to live for themselves, and to fulfill their own lusts, and the strong began to oppress the weak, and the rich began to take advantage of the poor, and they began to practice abominable rites, and to commit lewdness and to worship false gods, and demons, and to communicate with spirits of fallen angels, and to attempt to communicate with the dead, and God’s commandment to care for the helpless and the fatherless was forgotten as mankind forgot that all men were created in the image of God, and were loved by Him, and that men should respect the rights of others whom God had created.

And God decided that he would choose one nation through whom He would reveal His Law, the Torah, to the entire human race, and He chose a man to whom He would reveal Himself, through whose seed He would establish this nation, and through this man’s seed all the nations of the earth would eventually be blessed, for through this man’s seed would come not only the Law, but there would also come He who had been promised, a Redeemer, who would lift the curse from mankind that had fallen on them since the beginning….



Existential Considerations and the Singularity of Infinite Bang

Big Bang TimelineTurning nothing into everything. In the beginning was The Singularity, a single point of time (at zero point) and space, which was all at once all-encompassing and non-existent, infinitely dense yet technically without mass. A cosmic pustule stuck in the skin separating “existence” from “non-existence.” The singularity, which didn’t exist, exploded, sending massive amounts of matter and energy into existence, causing the beginning of the universe and time, creating all the forces such as gravity and magnetism and electromagnetism.

Where did The Singularity come from, and how did matter form from nothing? Perhaps from the infusion of light and immense heat. We know from particle physics, if we combine matter with anti-matter, it will annihilate each other and yield massive energy (heat) and a pair of photons. Theoretically, time being reversed, the reaction would be reversible. The Singularity, perhaps, formed in negative time.

The source of heat and light: The Scriptures describe God as radiant light, undetectable, immeasurable, timeless, and as far as we can understand, non-existent (non-created); “non-existent” and dwelling in “non-existence” (non-creation) — a being of such intense luminescence, a momentary glance will burn through your retinas and melt your brain.

Perhaps God, by infusing himself into The Singularity, ignited the Big Bang and set creation into motion.

So, why would such an all-powerful creator go through mysterious and enigmatic means to make His existence known? Why give us the “proof” in the form of a book or series of manuscripts, written by men, passed down through the ages in such a way as to call into question how any such process could qualify as “the words of God“? After all, anyone who’s ever lived, as it were, could’ve just as easily written such a fantastical tale, and have it passed down along to us in the form of legend or fable, as “origins of the cosmos.” Why not do something fantastic, like laser-out some indestructible platinum or create a holographic journal, or just pop in now and then to introduce himself physically?

Would people be more inclined to accept Scripture as “God-given” if it was contained in some sort of “magical” form of super-advanced technology? Or would the artifact itself become the primary focus? We have a remarkable tendency to worship “sacred objects,” whether they be “divine” or not. Memorabilia is a hugely lucrative industry. Such artifacts would be fought over and seen as god-like with mystical powers in their own right. Just look at the history of The Shroud of Turin, The Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and other such relics. We are prone to ascribe sacred power to objects and ignore the message or meaning behind their existence. Or perhaps such an object would become front and center on Ancient Aliens as proof that God is merely an advanced alien who visited in the ancient past.

And as for popping in and showing himself, doing “miracles” to prove he’s god, etc., I would refer you to the cinematic masterpiece, “Star Trek V, The Final Frontier,” where “god” was merely a clever alien with advanced technological powers. A skeptical mind will always believe in a “rational explanation” for every happenstance. I don’t much believe that anyone who genuinely disavows the possibility of the miraculous, will suddenly believe in God just because he shows up and does a few tricks, like healing an amputee or raising someone from the dead. (Someone already tried that once, and not a whole lot of people were all that impressed by it.)

“Proving God” is not within the means of an intellectual exercise, unfortunately. I can point to reason and science to an extent and find enough evidence to my satisfaction, so I have more to go on besides blind faith. Beyond that, our knowledge and scope of reason only go so far. They say God is only for the weak and simple-minded, the only ones dumb enough to believe in God in an age of reason ruled by science. Perhaps they are right. No one’s ever accused me of being all that bright. And I’m perfectly okay with that.

Adam Weren’t No Damn Dirty Ape!

creation_of_adam1How much do we know about ancient history, and how do we know it?

Those who studied history in school might remember a list of names and dates they once had to memorize — the names of emperors and rulers of nations and empires. The context of history has always been established through the studies of individuals, those whose power and influence shaped the world and times in which they lived.

Up through the 1850s, ancient history was clearly delineated from the first humans all the way to present. We knew exactly where we came from and who got us there, from a progression of patriarchs and rulers stretching nearly 6,000 years, as passed down to us by the Egyptians, Hebrews, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Western cultures —  detailing the proliferation of the human race from Mesopotamia and the origin of the world’s various nation-states.

And then came Darwin. Within a period of fifty years, the history books completely dismissed everything passed down to us from the previous millenia, and the ancient chronologies were completely disregarded.

The question is, how much do we really know from the physical remains of the ancient past? Can archeology definitively invalidate the historicity of the Biblical records? Does anthropology really prove the human race dates back hundreds of thousands of years? The evidence, as it is presented, is irrefutable and absolute fact, that we began in the trees of ancient Africa over millions of years ago. We have the bones to prove it. We have precise scientific dating techniques. The findings are objective and beyond dispute, proving the mythological nature of Biblical narrative.

And yet… according to Gallup in 2012, almost half of all Americans believe Adam and Eve were real people and human history doesn’t go back beyond 10,000 years:

a plurality of Americans—46 percent, to be exact—believe that God made human beings just as they are today sometime in the last 10,000 years. That number is up from 40 percent in 2011 (which was down from 46 percent in 2006).

The number of people who believe God guided the process of evolution over millions of years fell from 38 percent to 32 percent in the last year; during the same period, the number of people who believe God is a lie and humans came from damn dirty apes fell from 16 percent to 15 percent.

I find this quite surprising, especially considering the amount of ridicule one typically receives for professing such belief. I mean, everyone knows it’s all been proven 100% to be false, right? Our entire educational system is predicated on the established Darwinian paradigm, that we evolved from one-celled organisms over billions of years and are the result of natural selection and random chance. All the truly credible experts of recognized science agree in their rejection of the Biblical account. So how can so many people be so willfully ignorant and stupid???

adam and evolutionMaybe it’s not so open and shut as it would seem. No one wants to be perceived as ignorant and be dismissed as a “flat-earth” type of idiotic moron, so very few are willing to reject the status quo publicly. So the prognosticators of the prevailing paradigm assume, from what little resistance they detect, that the overwhelming majority agree with them. This is why, for instance, everyone who professes a belief in the traditional historical order is pretty much dismissed as the only one left in the world who still believes that way — though in truth, in America at least, they’re in plenty of company.

I suppose we would rather trace our history from person to person, rather than bone to bone. From dates and times we can identify with, such as 10,000 years of traceable lineages and civilizations, rather than the incomprehensible eons of millions and billions of years and damn dirty ape ancestors. Who knows?

Thanks for reading.

God, Death, Existence and Time

Spirit Soul Has No DeathMy existence is predicated upon consciousness, referred to in metaphysical circles as “the soul” — a massless, formless living force, a “spirit.” I am not a product of my physical manifestation. I am not a machine, defined by neurons and synapses and the complexities of the human brain. We can map out our brains and determine which parts are involved with which functions, but our brain does not define us, it merely facilitates us by translating our CODEC. Our body is a machine, our brain a complex CPU. And I am the software, the “ghost in the machine.”

The point at which mass becomes less than the smallest particle, the quark, matter loses locality (becoming undefined by physical laws as we currently understand them). Undetectable, immeasurable, timeless, and as far as we can understand, non-existent. Such is the nature of the “spirit.”

God as spirit, in this understanding, is “non-existent” and His domain, “non-existence.” The paradox of a non-existent being existing in a non-existent plane of existence is, in fact, how the Bible describes God. He does not exist in any concept we have of “existence.” And the only time He ever “existed,” he plugged himself into the body of what we know as Jesus Christ, though since he was human, was no longer God. And yet he was. He was limited and fallible like us, and yet he wasn’t. So the only way we can see him as God, is when he is not appearing to us as God, since God is formless and immeasurable.

If God has always existed, what was He doing before He created the universe? Since time did not (and still doesn’t) exist, God did not have time to do anything “before” time. This is rather difficult to grasp.

The Theory of Relativity does not apply to a world in which time is non-existent. When we consider the psychological aspects of time, we are again dealing with the relativity, but relativity as experienced, rather than as measured. We are still dealing with time, but not with eternity. There is neither measured nor experienced relativity of time in a purely spiritual world, because time belongs to the physical order.

It can be argued that in experience, the passage of time could be so rapid as to be virtually eclipsed. It would appear that you could experience timelessness within the natural order. This is confusing because it implies that if a thing is small enough, it is nothing at all. This is analogous to saying that there is no fundamental between something and nothing; or, to use a more familiar idea at the other end of the scale, that infinity is merely a very, very large number. However, infinity differs from a very large number for the important reason that if you subtract one from a very large number (no matter how large it is), you have one less: if you subtract one from infinity, you still have infinity.

Time stands in the same relation to eternity, in one sense, as a large number does to infinity. There is a sense in which infinity includes a very large number, yet it is quite fundamentally different and independent of it. And by analogy, eternity includes time and yet is fundamentally something other. The reduction of time until it gets smaller and smaller is still not eternity; nor do we reach eternity by an extension of time to great length. There is no direct pathway between time and eternity: they are different categories of experiences.

The fundamental point is when we step out of time, we step into eternity, and while we cannot be in them both at once, God, according to the Bible, is able to so. Some passages come to mind immediately in support of the view that God lives outside the ordinary limitations of time as we experience it. For example, “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58). If we make the period before Abraham to be represented by the letter A, Abraham’s time by the letter B, and the time of speaking by the letter C, we have the three periods A, B, C amalgamated as one and the tenses confused as though C preceded A. What we might have expected to find was, “Before Abraham was, I was” — which would have satisfied our normal sense of time.

eternityChrist took Abraham’s time as the pivot and spoke of two periods balanced on either side, namely, the ages which preceded Abraham, and all that followed (including the present). He then deliberately picked up the present and put it back before Abraham, but still referred to that distant period in the present tense. Though it was centuries ago, to Christ it was “now.” Even if He was here today, He would still refer to the time before Abraham as the “present” time. Why? Because He is God, and to God there is no passage of time, but all is “present.” The reaction of the Jewish authorities to His statement suggests that in some strange way they had understood what He meant. The mystery of God’s name, as revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:13,14 “the One who is existing always in the present” is unlocked here.

When a Christian dies, from this understanding, they pass from this realm of time and space into another realm of pure spirit, out of time as we experience it into a state of timelessness, the ever-present of God‘s domain. As they make this passage, every event in the future passes instantly before them, completed instantaneously. As each of us passes, we therefore experience no death nor the slightest pause in consciousness, nor even any sense of departure from those who remain.

The experience would be the same for everyone. All history, all intervening time between death and the end of time, is suddenly annihilated so that each person from the very first to the very last, is just dying and arriving in a single instant together, without precedence and without the slightest consciousness of delay. Scripture twice affirms, observing events from our point of view, that no man has yet ascended into heaven (John 3:13), not even David (Acts 2:34). And yet, when we are absent from the body, we are present with the Lord in eternity. David is not there yet, nor any others, because we are not there.

Ultimately, we will dwell in a “new heaven and a new earth,” so perhaps time will always be with us thenceforth. But we shall experience time not as limitation, but as opportunity. Time will not be continually running out as it is now; unlimited time for unlimited adventure.

This is, of course, purely hypothetical, and just a thought. Thanks for reading.

Why Jesus is NOT Yahweh

god-jesusIn “Santa God, part 1,” I agreed with atheists that God in the form of Santa God did not exist — this sort of invisible sky-daddy, cosmic space bubble god which floats around voyeuristically watching us and keeping score of our goods and bads with his finger on the “destroy“ button constantly ready to zap us. I also alluded to the difficulty of conceptualizing an entity which exists outside of time, given our inability to comprehend such an existence, particularly how such an entity would relate to and interact with “reality” in spacetime.

Keep in mind that Eternity is not a realm with unlimited time. It is a realm without time at all. This is what we refer to as the “spiritual dimension,” or “astral plane,” where the laws of physics as we understand them do not exist — making it necessary to seek more tangible ways for our basic understanding in a time-based, matter-infused, digital reality. In this respect, it is not so much whether or not God or spiritual beings exist, but rather finding an adequate way to conceptualize it.

According to Genesis, in the beginning “Elohim” created the heavens and the earth. “In the beginning,” referring to the beginning of the spacetime universe, since Eternity has no beginning and has always existed. The continuity of force admits of neither creation nor annihilation, but demands an unseen universe, out of which the visible has been produced “by an intelligent agency residing in the unseen,” and into which it must eventually return (The Unseen Universe, pp. 167, 170).

Elohim here is plural, though is translated in English as “God,” which denotes an entity with a multiplicity of God-and-JesusDivine powers, the threefold personality of the Godhead. Separate but equal entities, co-existing as the fulcrum of all existence.

According to Scripture, Jesus was with the Father (YHWH), with equal Divine authority, yet with different functionality and roles, joined together through their Holy Spirit as “God.” The Godhead is the governing head of all existence. (Just as the governing head of the U.S. of Eh?, where we have the Legislative Congress, the Judiciary Supreme Court, and the Executive President, separate but equal, with different roles and powers.)

By this understanding, Jesus is not YHWH. He is “God,” as “Elohim.” But he is not YHWH, not the “Father,” not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God. YHWH is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But they are not each other.

Suck It, Atheists. Wahahahaha!!!

Invocation-by-WJMNow that Macbooks have proven conclusively beyond any doubt that God exists, I wonder how long it will be before atheism finally dies. I mean, I’ve done the math myself. Checked it twice. Turns out, it all adds up to God, with a remainder of 1. (What the remainder means, is anyone’s guess.)

By interesting coincidence, I just so happened to have met William J. Murray this past Sunday when I went to listen to him speak for a bit. For the uninitiated, Mr. Murray is the son of the late Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists who led the charge in banning God from public life. Though raised as a militant pro-communist atheist, Mr. Murray had an epiphany in 1980 and switched from atheism to becoming a born-again Christian, and has since become a major Christian evangelist. How in the world could this happen? Here was a man who openly mocked the faith he now devotes his entire life to, and he’s very brazen about it. Is he merely confused? Brainwashed by maniacal evangelical super-agents? Or perhaps, maybe, just maybe, there actually is a God who revealed Himself just as he claims.

9780840752567I know it’s not very intellectual to suggest the existence of anything that hasn’t been confirmed by mainstream science. But what the heck do they know? Dark Matter? Seriously?? Maybe they should invest in a few Macbooks and catch up with things. God’s a proven fact now, so the debate is over. Sheesh.

I guess the thing that’s always bummed me out about atheism is, well, it’s BORING and completely unimaginative. And depressing as hell. Who the heck wants to just have a few years here on this earth and then just poof out of existence?? LAME. At least give me some reincarnation or disembodied spirit action. I’m far too imaginative to just go with a fizzle. Plus, it doesn’t explain much of anything that really matters in a way that makes any sense to me. There is a greater reality than this little virtual exercise in spacetime. We’ve always known it, since the very beginning of our existence back in 4004 BCE, when man and dinosaur lived in harmony and talking serpents hung out in fruit trees. Get over it already.

Macbooks Prove God Exists

Wow. Incredible news. God’s existence has been verified by science and mathematics using Macbooks. The findings are irrefutable:

Scientists “prove” that God exists by analyzing a theory posed by mathematician Kurt Godel.

Here’s what Christoph Benzmüller of Berlin’s Free University and Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo came up with: “God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be conceived. God exists in the understanding. If God exists in the understanding, we could imagine Him to be greater by existing in reality. Therefore, God must exist” (via The Inquisitr).

So scientists “prove” God exists by providing a philosophical answer that fails to give concrete reason — but people are sort of rolling with it. However, the scientific theory posed above checks out and is sound… scientifically, even if you don’t really understand it. It was basically a numbers game… and two guys proved the theory using their Macbooks.

“It’s totally amazing that from this argument led by Gödel, all this stuff can be proven automatically in a few seconds or even less on a standard notebook,” said Benzmüller.

The fact that Macbooks were used for this makes it absolute truth. Sorry atheists. All your arguments are now invalid!


light_and_magic__water_by_xanthicThe power of the universe is the power of Light. Photons, particulate waves of matter and energy, an incantation and a breath. This is how it all began, the beginning of everything that is us. And the power is all around us. It enraptures us. It beckons us onward in endless pursuit.

In cosmic streams we encircle all that is. We intertwine and interchange. We are all in all and all at once. We move as one and then dissolve. We are the stuff of souls. We are the inspiration and the thoughts of dreams. We are the words of poets and the Divine.

We are light.


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